In Selection 1, what does the author mean when he says Joe Magarac is a folk hero?

the answer is a

When the author refers to Joe Magarac as a folk hero in Selection 1, it means that Joe Magarac is a fictional character who has become a popular figure in the folklore of a particular community or region. Folk heroes often embody the values and characteristics that are admired and revered by the people of that community. They are usually portrayed as larger-than-life figures who possess extraordinary abilities or qualities and are celebrated for their achievements or actions. In the case of Joe Magarac, he is depicted as a steelworker who exhibits incredible strength and resilience, symbolizing the working-class culture and the industrial heritage of the region.

To understand what the author means when he refers to Joe Magarac as a folk hero in Selection 1, we first need to have some background knowledge about the concept of a folk hero.

A folk hero is a character or figure from a particular culture or community who becomes legendary and is celebrated for embodying the ideals, values, and aspirations of that group of people. Folk heroes often have exaggerated or extraordinary qualities and are typically admired for their courage, strength, wit, or other exceptional attributes.

Now, to find the specific meaning of Joe Magarac being a folk hero in Selection 1, we need to refer to the text or additional context. Individual interpretations may vary, but typically, when an author describes a character as a folk hero, it means that the character is seen as a larger-than-life figure representing certain ideals or values within the culture or community being depicted.

To get a more concrete answer about Joe Magarac being a folk hero in Selection 1, you should read the passage or text that introduces and describes Joe Magarac. Look for any qualities, actions, or beliefs attributed to him that align with the idea of a folk hero. The author may explicitly mention Joe Magarac's extraordinary abilities or qualities, the admiration or reverence he receives from others, or how he embodies the characteristics valued by the community.

Remember to analyze the text critically and consider the author's purpose or intention in portraying Joe Magarac as a folk hero. This will help you understand the specific meaning the author intends to convey.