From reading “The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida,” the reader can tell that the Haida people value family due to the actions of

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To determine how the Haida people value family based on "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida," we need to examine the actions of the characters in the story. Here's how you can analyze the text to find evidence of the Haida people's value for family:

1. Read the story: Begin by reading "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida" to get a full understanding of the narrative.

2. Identify characters and their actions: Pay attention to the characters in the story and their actions related to family. Look for instances where characters display care, love, and support for their family members.

3. Note examples: Identify specific examples from the text where characters exhibit behaviors that demonstrate the Haida people's value for family. This could include acts of protection, sacrifice, or showing concern for one another.

4. Analyze the examples: Once you have identified examples, analyze them to understand their significance. Look for patterns and recurring themes that highlight the importance of family within the Haida culture.

5. Draw conclusions: Based on your analysis, draw conclusions about the Haida people's values regarding family. Consider the overall messages or moral lessons that can be derived from the story and how they relate to the theme of family.

By following these steps, you will be able to identify the actions of the characters that indicate the value the Haida people place on family in "The Raven and the First Men: The Beginnings of the Haida."

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