At the hardware store , you buy hammers for $ 30 a dozen. And sell them for $ 3.50 each. What is the percent mark up for the hammers?

30 / 12 = $2.50 each

1/2.5 = 0.4 = 40% markup

To calculate the percent mark-up, you need to find the difference between the buying price and the selling price, and then express it as a percentage of the buying price.

First, let's determine the buying price for one hammer. You buy a dozen hammers for $30. To find the price per hammer, divide the total price by the number of hammers in a dozen:

$30 ÷ 12 = $2.50

So, the buying price for one hammer is $2.50.

Next, find the difference between the selling price and the buying price:

Selling price - Buying price = $3.50 - $2.50 = $1.00

Now, calculate the mark-up percentage by dividing the difference by the buying price:

($1.00 ÷ $2.50) × 100

To simplify the calculation, divide the numerator and denominator by $0.50:

(2 ÷ 5) × 100

Multiply and divide by 20 to further simplify:

(2 × 20 ÷ 5) × 100 = 40 × 100 = 4,000

The mark-up percentage for the hammers is thus 4,000%.

So, the percent mark-up for the hammers is 4,000%.