If there are 150 people born in the world every minute; how many people are born every hour? Day?

just multiply 150 by the number of minutes in an hour or day.

First, I would put all the times to one unit. (I'm going to use minutes because I don't like working with decimals.)

1 hour: 60 minutes
1 day: 60 minutes times 24 (hours in a day) = 1440 minutes

Now set up proportions:

150 people/1 minute = x people/60 minutes

cross multiply and solve for x.

x=150 times 60
x= 9000 people
9000 people are born per hour.

your next proportion will look like this:

150 people/ 1 minute = x/ 1440 minutes (per day)

cross multiply and solve for x and you have your answer!

x = 150 times 1440
x = 21600

Per hour - 60 minutes

So, 60 minutes × 150 people
- 9000 people
- Every hour 9000 people born.
Per day- 24 hours
- 60 minutes × 24 hours
- 1440 minutes
So, 1440 minutes × 150 people
- 216000 people
- Every day 216000 people born.

your answer is hidden in the stars

140 times 1,0024 divded by 368 times 3/4 divded by 83,000 times 1.3 times 8>4 divded by 3/33 =

To find out how many people are born every hour, we need to determine how many minutes are in an hour. There are 60 minutes in an hour.

Since 150 people are born every minute, we can multiply this number by 60 to get the number of people born every hour.

150 people/minute * 60 minutes/hour = 9,000 people/hour

Therefore, approximately 9,000 people are born every hour.

To find out how many people are born every day, we need to determine how many hours are in a day. There are 24 hours in a day.

Using the information we already know, we can multiply the number of people born every hour (9,000) by the number of hours in a day (24).

9,000 people/hour * 24 hours/day = 216,000 people/day

Therefore, approximately 216,000 people are born every day.