How do you think the Demand and Supply patterns have changed in the United states since 2008 when the recession started?

There is just a lot of information on this: consider just demand, supply for oil.

To analyze the changes in demand and supply patterns in the United States since the recession in 2008, you would typically need access to economic data and conduct a thorough analysis. Here is how you could approach it:

1. Gathering data: Start by collecting relevant economic data for the United States, such as GDP (Gross Domestic Product), employment figures, inflation rates, consumer spending, and business investment. Government websites, economic research institutions, and financial news sources are excellent sources for obtaining this data.

2. Identify the recession period: Determine the exact start and duration of the recession in 2008. The National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) officially declares the beginning and end of recessions based on economic indicators. Use their determination to establish the dates for your analysis.

3. Analyzing demand: Examine changes in consumer behavior and factors affecting demand. Look into consumer spending patterns, household debt levels, saving rates, and consumer confidence. Consider how these factors have evolved since the recession. Analyzing specific industries or sectors may also provide insights into changing demand patterns.

4. Assessing supply: Study shifts in business investment, production, and employment levels. Explore how companies adjusted their operations during and after the recession. Consider factors such as business closures, changes in investment strategies, shifts in supply chains, and the impact of government policies and initiatives.

5. Identifying trends and patterns: Compare the pre-recession period with the post-recession period to identify notable shifts in demand and supply patterns. Look for trends such as increased saving rates, changes in consumer spending habits, shifts in production levels, and alterations in investment patterns.

6. Consider external factors: Understand how external factors may have influenced demand and supply patterns. For instance, technological advancements, global economic trends, government fiscal policies, and regulatory changes can significantly impact the economy and alter demand and supply dynamics.

7. Interpretation and conclusion: Summarize your findings and provide an analysis of how demand and supply patterns have changed since the 2008 recession. Consider both short-term and long-term effects, as well as any ongoing or emerging trends.

Remember, analyzing changes in demand and supply patterns requires a comprehensive and data-driven approach. Economic data, historical context, and a deep understanding of macroeconomic factors are crucial to gaining accurate insights.