The Environmental Defense Fund, The Friends of the Earth, and The Natural Defense Council, are all divisions of The Environmental Protection Agency.


After the first Earth Day, the Sierra Club expanded to 20 states in 1970. In 1971, the anti-environmental group Greenpeace was formed. These two groups went on to debate each other about global warming's existence for decades.


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False. The Environmental Defense Fund, Friends of the Earth, and Natural Defense Council are not divisions of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). They are separate nonprofit environmental organizations.

True. The Sierra Club did expand to 20 states after the first Earth Day in 1970. However, Greenpeace was not formed as an anti-environmental group. Greenpeace is an environmental organization that was formed in 1971. While there have been debates about global warming between different organizations including the Sierra Club and Greenpeace, it is not accurate to say that these two groups specifically debated each other about global warming's existence for decades.

To check the accuracy of these statements, you can conduct a quick fact-check using reliable sources.

1. The Environmental Defense Fund, The Friends of the Earth, and The Natural Defense Council are divisions of the Environmental Protection Agency.

To verify this, you can search for information about these organizations and their affiliation with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA is a federal government agency in the United States responsible for protecting human health and the environment. The mentioned organizations are not divisions of the EPA but are independent environmental non-profit organizations. Therefore, the statement is False.

2. After the first Earth Day in 1970, the Sierra Club expanded to 20 states. In 1971, the anti-environmental group Greenpeace was formed. These two groups went on to debate each other about global warming's existence for decades.

To verify this statement, you can search for historical information regarding the expansion of the Sierra Club and the formation of Greenpeace as well as their positions on global warming. The Sierra Club is one of the oldest and largest environmental organizations in the United States, but it did not expand to 20 states immediately after the first Earth Day. Greenpeace, on the other hand, is an international environmental organization known for its focus on climate change and other environmental issues.

In regard to the debate about global warming between the two groups for decades, it is essential to note that both the Sierra Club and Greenpeace are committed to addressing climate change and have similar positions on the issue. Therefore, the statement is False.

Remember, it is always a good practice to fact-check information from reliable sources to ensure accuracy.

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