"Street, Dresden", 1907, oil on canvas by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner.

Describe the shapes in this painting: Are the shapes organic or geometric? Which ones? Describe how the shapes interact, or "touch" each other. Are the edges of the shapes soft or hard? Do they bump, blend, or overlap? Support your answers with specific examples from the artwork.

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i don't understand what is organic or geometric

how do i know id the shapes are soft or hard or bump blend or over lap i don't know anything about art really please and thank you

can you give me examples or explain it to me more



thank you

You're welcome.

To describe the shapes in the painting "Street, Dresden" by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, we need to analyze whether the shapes are organic or geometric, how they interact with each other, and the quality of their edges. I don't have a visual representation, as I am an AI text-based bot, but I can guide you on how to observe and answer these questions by providing insights on what to look for.

1. Organic or Geometric Shapes:
To determine whether the shapes in the painting are organic or geometric, you need to examine their forms and structures. Organic shapes are irregular, flowing, and often resemble forms found in nature, such as leaves or clouds. Geometric shapes, on the other hand, have well-defined, precise boundaries, and usually include regular shapes like circles, squares, or triangles.

Look closely at the shapes depicted in the painting and identify any specific objects or elements. For instance, buildings, people, trees, or other recognizable forms. Analyze the contours and edges of these elements to determine if they exhibit more organic or geometric qualities. Consider whether they appear naturally irregular or symmetrical and well-defined.

2. Interaction between Shapes:
Observe how the shapes interact with each other, or "touch" each other, within the painting. Do they overlap, blend, or bump against one another? Look for examples where shapes appear to intersect, creating connections or divisions within the composition.

Identify areas where objects or elements in the painting overlap, creating depth or layers. Note whether the overlapping shapes create any visual tension or harmony, as this can provide insights into the artist's intention and overall composition of the artwork.

3. Edges of the Shapes:
Now, examine the edges of the shapes to determine their quality. Are they soft or hard? Soft edges are gradual and blurred, while hard edges are sharp and well-defined.

Look for areas where objects or elements in the painting have distinct boundaries, indicating hard edges. This could be seen in architectural features like buildings or in the outlines of figures. Pay attention to areas where objects or elements appear more diffuse or blurred, suggesting soft edges. For example, shadows or atmospheric effects might soften the edges of certain shapes.

Remember, please refer to the specific painting "Street, Dresden" by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner to provide detailed examples and evidence to support your conclusions about the shapes, their interaction, and the quality of their edges.