f(2.4) = 4(2.4) - 2.4^2 = 3.84

If I were to continue this iteration what would be the next equation? I am just confused how to continue with a problem I'm doing.

f(x) = 4 x - x²

But how do I make f^2 (2.4)? I know the equation is f(x) = 4x - x^2, I based it off that equation in the first place but I just don't know how to continue solving.

It sounds like you want a recursive sequence, where

T(n+1) = 4Tn - Tn^2
If so, then if
Tn = 4*2.4 - 2.4^2 = 3.84
T(n+1) = 4*3.84 - 3.84^2 = 0.61

To continue the iteration, you would need the previous value of the function. In this case, you have already calculated f(2.4) to be 3.84.

To find the next equation, you would substitute this value into the function. So, instead of f(2.4), you would be finding f(3.84).

Using the same formula, f(x) = 4x - x^2, you would substitute x = 3.84:

f(3.84) = 4(3.84) - (3.84)^2

By evaluating this expression, you can find the next value in the iteration.