Airplane going N 60 degrees W at a speed of 400 mph. What wind direction, at a speed of 75 mph will produce a resultant direction of N 50 degrees W

To solve this problem, we need to apply vector addition. The airplane's motion and the wind's motion can be treated as vectors. The resultant direction is the vector sum of these two motions.

First, let's break down the airplane's motion into its components. The airplane is traveling N 60 degrees W, which means it has a northward component and a westward component. To find these components, we can use trigonometry.

The northward component can be found by multiplying the speed (400 mph) by the cosine of the angle (60 degrees):

Northward component = 400 mph * cos(60 degrees)

Similarly, the westward component can be found by multiplying the speed (400 mph) by the sine of the angle (60 degrees):

Westward component = 400 mph * sin(60 degrees)

Next, let's break down the wind's motion into its components. We need to find the direction and speed of the wind that will produce a resultant direction of N 50 degrees W.

The wind's northward component can be found by multiplying the speed of the wind (75 mph) by the cosine of the angle between the wind's motion and the north direction (50 degrees):

Northward component (wind) = 75 mph * cos(50 degrees)

Similarly, the wind's westward component can be found by multiplying the speed of the wind (75 mph) by the sine of the angle between the wind's motion and the north direction (50 degrees):

Westward component (wind) = 75 mph * sin(50 degrees)

Now, let's add up the northward and westward components of both the airplane and the wind to find the resultant components:

Resultant northward component = northward component (airplane) + northward component (wind)
Resultant westward component = westward component (airplane) + westward component (wind)

Finally, we can find the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector using the resultant northward and westward components. The magnitude can be calculated using the Pythagorean theorem:

Magnitude of the resultant vector = sqrt((Resultant northward component)^2 + (Resultant westward component)^2)

The direction of the resultant vector can be found using trigonometry:

Angle = arctan(Resultant westward component / Resultant northward component)

By solving these equations, you can find the wind's direction and speed that will produce a resultant direction of N 50 degrees W.