What are two types of wheelchairs used by the physically challenged students are the ?I think the two would be a orthosis and the power driven



The two types of wheelchairs commonly used by physically challenged students are manual wheelchairs and power wheelchairs.

1. Manual Wheelchairs: These wheelchairs are self-propelled by the user or can be pushed by a companion. They have large rear wheels that can be easily grasped and pushed, allowing the user to move independently. Manual wheelchairs require the user to have sufficient upper body strength to propel themselves or rely on assistance from others.

2. Power Wheelchairs: Also known as electric wheelchairs, power wheelchairs are motorized and propelled by a battery-powered motor. They have a control system that enables the user to navigate and control the movement of the wheelchair using a joystick or other input device. Power wheelchairs are suitable for individuals with limited upper body strength or mobility impairments.

Please note that orthosis refers to a device used to support or correct a part of the body, such as a brace or splint, rather than a type of wheelchair. However, orthotic devices may be used in conjunction with wheelchairs to provide additional support and stability for individuals with specific physical conditions.