a compound or solute will molecular mass 36?

To determine which compound or solute has a molecular mass of 36, we first need to understand how to calculate molecular mass.

Molecular mass is the sum of the masses of all atoms in a molecule. It is calculated by multiplying the atomic mass of each element in the compound by the number of its atoms and then adding those values together.

Let's start by finding compounds with a molecular mass of 36. Since the atomic mass of elements can vary, we need to consider different combinations to reach a molecular mass of 36.

One way to approach this is by considering the elements with low atomic masses, such as hydrogen (H), carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and oxygen (O).

Here are a few examples of compounds with a molecular mass of 36:

1. Methanol (CH3OH):
- Carbon (C) has an atomic mass of 12.
- Hydrogen (H) has an atomic mass of 1.
- Oxygen (O) has an atomic mass of 16.

(1 * 1) + (4 * 1) + 16 = 1 + 4 + 16 = 21

Methanol (CH3OH) has a molecular mass of 32, which is less than 36.

2. Methanethiol (CH3SH):
- Carbon (C) has an atomic mass of 12.
- Hydrogen (H) has an atomic mass of 1.
- Sulfur (S) has an atomic mass of 32.

(1 * 1) + (4 * 1) + 32 = 1 + 4 + 32 = 37

Methanethiol (CH3SH) has a molecular mass of 37, which is greater than 36.

By exploring different combinations of atoms and their atomic masses, we can identify compounds or solutes with a molecular mass of 36. Remember to consider the atomic masses of different elements and adjust the number of atoms to reach the desired molecular mass.