1. How has South Carolina changed politically since the 1970s? (1 point)

~County governments were eliminated.***
~Race has become the most important political issue.
~The Democratic Party has gained more power in the state.
~The Republican Party has gained more power in the state.

See Related Questions below.

Regardless of other Related Questions, your answer is wrong.

Those were times of change. Add to it, the Vietnam War, Kent State, and those were the days laying out the future.


its not b is it?

you are guessing. Read the article posted.

yu du not kno da wae ma bruddah



To answer this question, we need to analyze the political changes that have occurred in South Carolina since the 1970s. One way to do this is to examine the shifts in power between the Democratic and Republican Parties.

To find the answer, you can start by researching the political landscape of South Carolina during the 1970s. Look for historical records, news articles, or scholarly sources that discuss the political affiliations and power dynamics in the state during that time.

Once you have established the political scenario in the 1970s, you can proceed to study subsequent years and any significant events or changes in South Carolina's political landscape. Look for data or research that highlights the shifting balance of power between the Democratic and Republican Parties.

Based on the available information, you may find that the answer to the question is that the Republican Party has gained more power in South Carolina since the 1970s. However, it is important to conduct thorough research to ensure accuracy and consider other potential factors that may have influenced political changes in the state during this period.