What is the average rainfall in San Francisco during the month of June?

To find the average rainfall in San Francisco during the month of June, you can follow these steps:

1. Go to a reliable weather website or use a weather app. Examples include Weather.com, AccuWeather, or the National Weather Service website.
2. Enter "San Francisco" or the zip code of the city in the search bar.
3. Look for the option to view historical weather data or past records.
4. Select the option to view historical weather data for the month of June.
5. Locate the section or tab that mentions rainfall or precipitation.
6. Look for the average rainfall data for the month of June in San Francisco.
7. Note down the value, typically measured in inches or millimeters.
8. If the website or app does not provide average rainfall directly, you can retrieve the daily rainfall data for each day of June and then calculate the average yourself.
9. Add up the rainfall measurements for each day in June.
10. Divide the sum by the number of days in June to obtain the average rainfall.

Please note that the average rainfall can vary from year to year, so it's a good idea to consider multiple years of data for a more accurate average.