Which phrase best describes the word choice & voice of "Theme for English B"?

Dull & old-fashioned ~~I think it's this one
Formal & fancy
Wordy & vague
Clear & candid

Are you sure you read this poem?


To determine which phrase best describes the word choice and voice of "Theme for English B" by Langston Hughes, we need to analyze the poem's language and tone.

To start, one way to approach understanding the word choice and voice of the poem is by examining the language used. Look for specific words, expressions, and literary devices employed by the poet. Pay attention to the level of formality and the clarity with which ideas are expressed.

In the case of "Theme for English B," the poem's language is neither dull nor old-fashioned. The poem was written in 1951 and uses a contemporary language style for that time. The language reflects the experiences and thoughts of the speaker, who is a young African American student.

Additionally, the poem does not possess a formal or fancy tone. While it does adopt a structured form (a free verse with varying line lengths), the overall voice of the poem is more personal and introspective. The language used by the speaker is accessible and relatable to readers.

The poem is also not wordy or vague. The language is concise and straightforward. It explores themes of identity, race, and the complexities of being an African American student in a predominantly white society, making use of vivid imagery and relatable experiences.

Considering all this, the phrase that best describes the word choice and voice of "Theme for English B" is "clear and candid." The poem's language is straightforward, and the speaker's voice is honest, sincere, and open about their personal experiences and feelings.

Remember, when analyzing a poem's word choice and voice, it's essential to read the poem carefully, paying attention to specific examples, such as specific words or lines, to support your analysis.