What is the equation of the line containing the two points (-4, 8) and (1, -7)?


plz check if my answer is correct. My answer is c ^^;

plug in the points for your equation:

-3(8) = -4-4
-24 = -8
BZZZT! Try again

-3(-7) = 1-4
21 = -3
BZZZT! Not that one either.

the equation of your line is

y-8 = -3(x+4)

Now massage that to see which choice it matches.

To find the equation of a line containing two given points, you can use the slope-intercept form of a linear equation: y = mx + b, where m represents the slope of the line and b represents the y-intercept.

First, let's determine the slope (m) using the two given points (-4, 8) and (1, -7). The slope (m) is given by the formula:

m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Replacing the values, we have:

m = (-7 - 8) / (1 - (-4))
m = (-15) / (1 + 4)
m = -15 / 5
m = -3

Now that we have the slope (m), we can substitute it into the slope-intercept form and solve for the y-intercept (b). Let's use the first point (-4, 8) to find b:

y = mx + b
8 = (-3)(-4) + b
8 = 12 + b
b = 8 - 12
b = -4

Finally, we can write the equation of the line as:

y = -3x - 4

Comparing this equation to the given options, we find that the correct answer is d) y = -3x - 4. Therefore, your answer is incorrect, and the correct answer is d).