The road from the town of Wolford to the village of Abbotshead is measured as 5.8 cm on a map.

If the scale of the map is 1:50 000, calculate the real distance between the 2 places in km


Note: Ea means times 10^a

= 5.8*5E4/1E5=5.8E-1km=.58km

To calculate the real distance between the two places, you need to convert the map distance to the actual distance using the scale.

First, convert the scale to a ratio. The scale 1:50,000 means that one unit on the map represents 50,000 units in reality.

Next, calculate the actual distance using the scale and the map distance. Since the road is measured as 5.8 cm on the map:

Actual distance = Map distance / Scale ratio
= 5.8 cm / 50,000
= 0.000116 km

Therefore, the real distance between the town of Wolford and the village of Abbotshead is 0.000116 km.

To calculate the real distance between the town of Wolford and the village of Abbotshead, we need to use the scale provided on the map.

The scale on the map is 1:50,000, which means that 1 cm on the map represents 50,000 cm in real life.

Since the distance on the map between the two places is 5.8 cm, we can use this value and the scale to find the real distance.

First, we convert the distance on the map to real units (cm) by multiplying it by the scale:

5.8 cm * 50,000 cm = 290,000 cm

Next, we convert the real distance from centimeters to kilometers. There are 100,000 centimeters in a kilometer, so we divide the distance in centimeters by 100,000:

290,000 cm / 100,000 = 2.9 km

Therefore, the real distance between Wolford and Abbotshead is 2.9 kilometers.