Using benzene as an example to illustrate substitution reaction

Sure! Benzene is a cyclic hydrocarbon consisting of six carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal ring. It is a commonly studied compound in organic chemistry and is known for its unique aromatic properties.

Substitution reactions involve replacing one atom or group of atoms in a molecule with another atom or group of atoms. In the case of benzene, substitution reactions can occur at the aromatic ring, where one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by other functional groups.

To illustrate a substitution reaction with benzene, let's consider the reaction between benzene and chlorine gas (Cl₂). This reaction is a classic example of an electrophilic aromatic substitution (EAS) reaction.

1. Step 1: Generation of the electrophile
First, an electrophile needs to be generated from the chlorine gas. This usually requires the addition of a Lewis acid catalyst, such as iron(III) chloride (FeCl₃). The Lewis acid helps in polarizing the chlorine molecule, making it more reactive and capable of attacking the benzene ring.

2. Step 2: Attack of the electrophile
The generated electrophile, which is the chlorine cation (Cl⁺), then attacks the benzene ring. This attack occurs at one of the carbon atoms in the ring, leading to the formation of a new intermediate.

3. Step 3: Rearrangement of the intermediate
The intermediate formed after the attack of the electrophile is a highly reactive species known as a sigma complex. In this step, a rearrangement of the sigma complex may occur, leading to various resonance forms and stabilization of the intermediate.

4. Step 4: Loss of a proton
In this step, a proton (H⁺) is lost from the intermediate. This loss of a proton results in the formation of a new aromatic compound.

5. Step 5: Regeneration of the catalyst
Finally, the Lewis acid catalyst, FeCl₃, regenerates by deprotonation, allowing it to participate in the next round of the reaction.

Overall, the substitution reaction involving benzene and chlorine results in the replacement of one hydrogen atom on the benzene ring with a chlorine atom, forming chlorobenzene.

It's important to note that substitution reactions on benzene can be influenced by various factors, such as the nature of the substituent groups, reaction conditions, and catalysts used. The details of these factors can affect the regioselectivity (which carbon atom is substituted) and the overall reaction rate.