Which ordered pair is not a solution of y= -4x -9


I have no idea how to do this help please

just see which pair of values does not work. replace x and y with the values given:

-4(-9)-9 = 36-9 = 27 so it is a solution
now try the others.

To determine which ordered pair is not a solution of the equation y = -4x - 9, you need to substitute the x and y values of each pair into the equation and see if it holds true. If the equation is not satisfied, then that ordered pair is not a solution.

Let's go through each option one by one:
A(-9, 27):
Substituting x = -9 and y = 27 into the equation:
27 = -4(-9) - 9
27 = 36 - 9
27 = 27

Since the equation is true for A(-9, 27), it is a solution.

B(3, -21):
Substituting x = 3 and y = -21 into the equation:
-21 = -4(3) - 9
-21 = -12 - 9
-21 = -21

Since the equation is true for B(3, -21), it is a solution.

C(-6, 15):
Substituting x = -6 and y = 15 into the equation:
15 = -4(-6) - 9
15 = 24 - 9
15 = 15

Since the equation is true for C(-6, 15), it is a solution.

D(5, -28):
Substituting x = 5 and y = -28 into the equation:
-28 = -4(5) - 9
-28 = -20 - 9
-28 = -29

Since the equation is not true for D(5, -28), it is not a solution.

Therefore, the ordered pair D(5, -28) is not a solution to the equation y = -4x - 9.

To determine which ordered pair is not a solution of the equation y = -4x - 9, we need to substitute the x and y coordinates of each ordered pair into the equation and check if the equation holds true. If the equation is not satisfied, then that ordered pair is not a solution.

Let's go through each option:

A(-9, 27):
Substituting the values, we have: y = -4x - 9
27 = -4(-9) - 9
27 = 36 - 9
27 = 27

Since the equation holds true, option A is a solution.

B(3, -21):
Substituting the values, we have: y = -4x - 9
-21 = -4(3) - 9
-21 = -12 - 9
-21 = -21

Since the equation holds true, option B is a solution.

C(-6, 15):
Substituting the values, we have: y = -4x - 9
15 = -4(-6) - 9
15 = 24 - 9
15 = 15

Since the equation holds true, option C is a solution.

D(5, -28):
Substituting the values, we have: y = -4x - 9
-28 = -4(5) - 9
-28 = -20 - 9
-28 = -29

Since the equation does not hold true (-28 ≠ -29), option D is not a solution.

Therefore, the ordered pair D(5, -28) is not a solution of the equation y = -4x - 9.