Write the closest benchmark for the percent.

1. 8%
2. 52%
3. 99%
4. 87%
5. 12 percent
6. 45%

I don't understand the directions. What does it mean by the closest benchmark for the percent?


whats the closest bechmark for 45%

what is the percent of 87% help meeeeeeeeeeeeeee

The "closest benchmark for the percent" refers to finding a whole number that is closest to the given percent. In this case, we are looking for the whole number that the percent is closest to. Let's go through each option to determine the closest benchmark for each percent:

1. 8%: The whole numbers closest to 8% are 7% and 9%. Both 7% and 9% are 1% away from 8%, so we need to determine which one is "closer" based on context or any additional information. Without further information, we cannot definitively determine the closest benchmark for 8%.

2. 52%: The whole numbers closest to 52% are 51% and 53%. Both 51% and 53% are 1% away from 52%. Similarly to the previous example, we need more context or information to determine the closest benchmark for 52%.

3. 99%: The whole numbers closest to 99% are 98% and 100%. Both 98% and 100% are 1% away from 99%. As before, we need more context or information to determine the closest benchmark for 99%.

4. 87%: The whole numbers closest to 87% are 86% and 88%. Both 86% and 88% are 1% away from 87%. Without further context or information, we cannot definitively determine the closest benchmark for 87%.

5. 12 percent: The whole numbers closest to 12% are 11% and 13%. Both 11% and 13% are 1% away from 12%. Without additional context or information, we cannot definitively determine the closest benchmark for 12 percent.

6. 45%: The whole numbers closest to 45% are 44% and 46%. Both 44% and 46% are 1% away from 45%. Similar to the previous examples, without more context or information, we cannot definitively determine the closest benchmark for 45%.

To summarize, without additional information or criteria for determining the closest benchmark, we cannot conclusively establish the closest benchmark for any of the given percentages.