Megan and Jake both live on the same street that the library is on.

Jake - 4.5kms from the library
Megan is 5.5kms from the library

How many kilometers (km) apart do Megan and Jake live?

If they both live in the same direction as the library, then they are 1 km apart.

If they live in opposite directions, they are 10 km apart.

Sorry forgot to say that they live 10km apart

They live 10 km

hi how r you today :)

To find the distance between Megan and Jake's houses, you need to subtract one distance from the other.

Megan lives 5.5 km from the library, and Jake lives 4.5 km from the library.

To find the distance between their houses, you subtract Jake's distance from Megan's distance:

5.5 km - 4.5 km = 1 km

Therefore, Megan and Jake live 1 kilometer apart.