1. Complete the function table. Then write a rule for the function.

Input: -3,-2,-1,0,1

Pls help

Ok thank you it's x-2

looks to me: f(x)=x-2

it also could be f(x)=- x^2 The data is not complete enought to make a decision on the function

Sekai de nani

To complete the function table, we need to find the missing outputs corresponding to the given inputs. Let's analyze the given inputs and outputs:

Input: -3 Output: _
Input: -2 Output: -4
Input: -1 Output: _
Input: 0 Output: _
Input: 1 Output: -1

Looking at the outputs, we can observe that for each negative input, the output is the input multiplied by -2. So, we can use this pattern to complete the table:

Input: -3 Output: 6 (since -3 * -2 = 6)
Input: -2 Output: -4
Input: -1 Output: 2 (since -1 * -2 = 2)
Input: 0 Output: 0 (since 0 * -2 = 0)
Input: 1 Output: -1

Now that we have completed the function table, we can write a rule for the function. Based on our observations from the completed table, the rule for the function is:

Rule: The function multiplies the input by -2, except for -2 which remains the same.

Therefore, the rule for the function is F(x) = -2x, except for F(-2) = -4.