John spent 3/4 of his saving money for a birthday present and 1/7 of his saving money for clothes.He had only $27 left.a)What fraction of his total money he had spent?What Fraction of his money has left?b)what is the total of his money did he save from the beginning?

(3/4)x + (1/7)x + 27 = x

times 28
21x + 4x + 756 = 28x

at this point I can tell that he spent 25/28 of his money
and he would have 3/28 of it left over

25x + 756 = 28x
3x = 756
x = 252

state you conclusions

To find the answers to these questions, we need to go through a series of steps:

Step 1: Determine the fraction of money John spent on the birthday present.
- John spent 3/4 of his savings on the birthday present.

Step 2: Determine the fraction of money John spent on clothes.
- John spent 1/7 of his savings on clothes.

Step 3: Calculate the fraction of money John has left.
- John has $27 left.

Step 4: Calculate the total amount of money John had initially.

Let's go through each step in more detail:

Step 1:
To find the fraction of money John spent on the birthday present, we need to subtract 3/4 from the total amount. This can be done by finding the common denominator and subtracting the fractions:

Total money spent = 3/4

Step 2:
To find the fraction of money John spent on clothes, we need to subtract 1/7 from the total amount. Again, we find the common denominator and subtract the fractions:

Total money spent = (3/4) + (1/7)

Step 3:
To find the fraction of money John has left, we subtract the total money spent from the initial amount:

Money left = Initial amount - Total money spent
= Initial amount - ((3/4) + (1/7))

Given that money left is $27, we can set up the following equation:

$27 = Initial amount - ((3/4) + (1/7))

We can solve this equation to find the initial amount.

Step 4:
Now that we have the initial amount, we can answer the second part of the question - what is the total amount of money John had initially.