What is 9 minus 3 decided by 1third plus 1 equals

a mess, is what. Still, I will try to parse your garbled sentence.

9 - 3 ÷ 1/3 + 1 = 1

If that's not what you meant, try using some parentheses to get what you want.

This same question was recently in the news


the way it was written by Jerry the answer would be 9

To solve this problem, we need to follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS).

Step 1:
Divide 1 by 3. This gives us the value of 1 third, which is approximately 0.33 (rounded to two decimal places).

Step 2:
Add 1 to the value we found in Step 1.
0.33 + 1 = 1.33

Step 3:
Subtract 3 from 9.
9 - 3 = 6

Finally, we take the result from Step 3 and add the result from Step 2.
6 + 1.33 = 7.33

Therefore, 9 minus 3 divided by 1 third plus 1 equals approximately 7.33.