born haber cycle is not generally used to consider the energy changes involved in the formation of solid silicon(IV)oxide SiO2 because it has a very high temperature explain

The Born-Haber cycle is a method used to estimate the lattice energy of ionic compounds, which is the energy required to break apart the solid into its gaseous ions. It involves a series of steps that account for various energy changes, such as ionization energy, electron affinity, and enthalpy of formation.

However, the Born-Haber cycle is not generally used to consider the energy changes involved in the formation of solid silicon(IV) oxide (SiO2) because it has a very high temperature. Silicon(IV) oxide has a high melting point of around 1,700 degrees Celsius, which means it exists in the solid phase at normal temperatures and pressures.

Since the Born-Haber cycle typically deals with the formation of ionic compounds from their constituent elements, it is more applicable to materials that exist as ions and have lower melting points, such as sodium chloride (NaCl) or magnesium oxide (MgO).

Solid silicon(IV) oxide does not directly involve the formation of ions, which makes it unsuitable for application of the Born-Haber cycle. Instead, it is formed through a different type of bonding called covalent bonding, where the silicon and oxygen atoms share electrons. The energy changes involved in the formation of covalent bonds are not readily accounted for using the Born-Haber cycle, which focuses on ionic compounds.

The Born-Haber cycle is a thermodynamic cycle that is commonly used to calculate the lattice energy of ionic compounds. It involves a series of steps that account for the energy changes associated with the formation of a solid compound from its constituent elements. However, there are cases where the Born-Haber cycle is not suitable for calculating the energy changes, such as in the formation of solid silicon(IV)oxide (SiO2).

One reason for this is that the formation of SiO2 involves covalent bonding, rather than ionic bonding. The atoms in SiO2 are bonded together by sharing electrons, whereas ionic compounds involve the transfer of electrons between atoms. Covalent compounds, like SiO2, have a different type of bond energy compared to ionic compounds, and the Born-Haber cycle is not specifically designed to calculate these covalent bond energies.

Additionally, the high temperature associated with the formation of SiO2 also makes it impractical to use the Born-Haber cycle. Silicon and oxygen are both abundant in the Earth's crust, and SiO2 is typically formed through high-temperature processes, such as the reaction of silicon with oxygen gas at temperatures above 1600°C. At such high temperatures, the thermal energy is significant and contributes to the overall energy changes in the reaction.

Therefore, due to the covalent bonding nature of SiO2 and the high temperature required for its formation, the Born-Haber cycle is not generally used for considering the energy changes involved in the formation of solid silicon(IV)oxide SiO2. Instead, other methods, such as experimental measurements or theoretical calculations based on quantum mechanics, are used to estimate the energy changes associated with the formation of covalent compounds like SiO2.