The distance between two cities on a map is 4 inches. The actual distance between the two cities is 24 miles.

What is the scale used on the map?
If the scale on a different map of the same area is inch = 1 mile, how many inches separate the same two cities?

What are the choices?

its not multiple choice..its like a fill in the box kinda answer

30 in.? I haven't done this type of stuff in a while.

mee either. ugh.

oh well ill just put 30 in haha

If 4 inches represents 24 miles, then wouldn't 1 inch represent 6 miles? How will you state that in terms of a scale?

And if 1 inch represents 1 mile, then ... ?

In math problems, the use of the word "difference" indicates the need to subtract. What will you do? Subtract what from what?

Yea, I'd do the same :)

Sorry, I did that whole thing wrong. It is six;

M=6 Miles

idk writeacher

Yea, it's six, my bad:o

oh haha to late turned it in thank u tho