Mario rolled a number cube labeled 1-6 sixty times. In what percent of the rolls did Mario roll a number less than 4?a.5%,b.33%,c.50%,d.55%

# #of x rolled
1 16
2 12 33/60 x/100
3 5 3300/60=55?
4 8
5 12
6 7

To find the percent of the rolls in which Mario rolled a number less than 4, we need to add up the number of times Mario rolled a 1, 2, or 3 (since these are the numbers less than 4) and divide it by the total number of rolls.

The number of times Mario rolled a 1 is 16, the number of times he rolled a 2 is 12, and the number of times he rolled a 3 is 5. Adding these together, we get 16 + 12 + 5 = 33.

So, out of the 60 total rolls, Mario rolled a number less than 4 33 times.

To find the percentage, we divide 33 by 60 and multiply by 100:

33/60 = 0.55
0.55 x 100 ≈ 55

Therefore, Mario rolled a number less than 4 in approximately 55% of the rolls.

So the answer is d. 55%.

To find the percentage of rolls in which Mario rolled a number less than 4, you need to divide the number of rolls where Mario rolled a number less than 4 by the total number of rolls and then multiply by 100.

From the given information, we can see that Mario rolled a number less than 4 in a total of 16 + 12 + 5 = 33 rolls.

The total number of rolls is given as 60.

So, to calculate the percentage, you need to divide 33 by 60 and then multiply by 100.

33/60 * 100 = 55%

Therefore, the correct answer is 55%, which corresponds to option d.

Either-or probabilities are found by adding the individual probabilities.

P(<4) = P(3 or 2 or 1) = 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6 = ?