1. which of the following words best characterizes the relationship shared by mr. and mrs. winterbottom?

a. affectionate
b. distant
c. indulging (i picked this one)
d. nit-picking

2. What is the most likely reason that Mr. Birkway is not upset with Phoebe regarding her suspicions of Mrs Cadaver?

a. He finds Phoebe's ideas entertaining
b. He realizes he should not have read the student's journals out loud. (i picked this one)
c. He believes this is Phoebe's way of seeking attention from the adults in her life.
d. He thinks that Phoebe should see a counselor to discuss her feelings about her missing mother.

3. Choose the meaning that best matches the word in italics.

While we were walking along the shoreline of the harbor, my father was *ogling* the million dollar yachts docked nearby.

a. critically judging
b. carefully observing (i picked this one.)
c. staring with longing
d. glancing quickly

Please check! Thank you!

1)b 2)b 3)c

Here are the answers for Unit 4, Lesson 11 for Walk Two Moons.

1. B
2. B
3. C

these were correct .THANKS !!

Random is correct

"random" and "Asian Princess" are both correct.

They are right!!!!!!!


Answer for unit 4 lesson 11 quiz


I'm surprised Mrs, sue and Write-teacher aren't coming in a yelling at everybody.

Walk Two Moons Chapters 33-37 Quick check answers are:

1. B
2. B
3. C


Thank you all so much

helped me have a nice day wether it's the day I posted this or not!