Greek epics by Homer inspired Virgil, the Roman poet to write what about Rome's past?

Is it to write an epic poem to glorify Rome and its people or maybe "The Aeneid"? Or am I even close to the answer?

Yes, Vergil's Aeneid was written just for the reasons you gave!

Congrats! Not everyone makes that connection!!

Yeah Thank You

You're welcome!

You are very close to the answer! Virgil, the Roman poet, was indeed inspired by the Greek epics by Homer, specifically the Iliad and the Odyssey. He was commissioned by the Roman Emperor Augustus to write an epic poem that would serve as a founding myth for Rome and its people. The result was Virgil's most famous work, "The Aeneid." This epic tells the story of Aeneas, a Trojan hero, and his journey to found a new city that would eventually become Rome. "The Aeneid" not only celebrates Rome's past and its legendary founder, but it also explores themes of destiny, heroism, and the importance of Rome in the grand historical context. So you were right on the mark!