please correct this pigin-How many years i take senior you.

I think you mean, "How much older am I than you?"

To correct the sentence and answer your question, it seems like you are asking "How many years will it take for me to become a senior?"

To determine the number of years it will take for you to become a senior, we need some additional context. If you are referring to senior in the context of school or university, it depends on the specific academic program and the requirements for reaching senior status.

Here's how you can find out the answer:

1. Check your academic program's documentation: Look up the academic regulations, student handbook, or course catalog for your school or university. These resources often outline the expected progression and the requirements for attaining senior status.

2. Contact your academic advisor or a school representative: Reach out to your academic advisor or someone from your school's administration, such as a registrar's office or student services. They can provide you with specific details regarding the number of years, courses, or credits needed to become a senior.

3. Consult your curriculum or syllabus: If you already have a course curriculum or syllabus, it may provide information on the expected timeline to reach senior status. Pay attention to any prerequisites or requirements that must be fulfilled.

Remember, the answer to your question may vary depending on your specific academic program and institution, so it's best to rely on official sources or consult with a knowledgeable authority.