What is the function of a preposition in a sentence?

To express action

To show the subject of the sentence

To tell more about the subject

To connect a noun or pronoun to another word••

Correct me


You are close, but the correct answer is: To connect a noun or pronoun to another word.

A preposition is a part of speech that links nouns, pronouns, or phrases to other words in a sentence. It demonstrates a relationship between the noun or pronoun and another word in the sentence, such as location, direction, time, manner, or possession. Some common prepositions include "on," "in," "at," "by," "with," and "to."

To determine the function of a preposition in a sentence, look for the word that the preposition is connecting. For example, in the sentence "She sat on the chair," the preposition "on" connects the noun "chair" to the verb "sat," indicating the location of the action.

The correct answer is: To connect a noun or pronoun to another word. Prepositions are used to show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. They indicate location, direction, time, manner, or other important relationships. They are often used to show where or when something is happening, or to introduce phrases such as "in," "on," "under," "before," "after," "to," "with," and many others.