there are 2000 students in a course . they wrote a Mathematics test which was scored out of 40 and then converted to percentages. Draw a flowchart that reads the names , sex and score of each student and outputs the names of the male students that scored above 75% and how many they are?

Need data. What is the distribution?


To solve this problem and draw a flowchart, you need to break it down into smaller steps:

1. Read the total number of students (2000) and initialize a counter for male students with scores above 75% (let's call it "maleAbove75Count").

2. Start a loop to iterate through each student.

3. Read the student's name, sex, and score.

4. Check if the student is male. If yes, proceed to the next step; otherwise, go back to step 2 to read the next student.

5. Calculate the percentage score by dividing the obtained score by 40 and multiply by 100.

6. Check if the student's percentage score is above 75%. If yes, print the student's name and increment the "maleAbove75Count" counter by 1.

7. Go back to step 2 to read the next student until all 2000 students are processed.

8. At the end of the loop, print the value of "maleAbove75Count" to get the total number of male students who scored above 75%.

Now, you can convert these steps into a flowchart by representing each step as a flowchart symbol and connecting them using arrows. Here's an example of how the flowchart may look:

│ V
│ → Read total number of students

│ → Set maleAbove75Count to 0

│ Read │ Read│ Read │
│ name │ sex │ score │

│ │ No│Yes│ │ │
│ │ ──► ├───► │ │
│ │ │ │ │
│ ┌─┴─┐ ┌─┴───┐└───┐ │
│ │ 2 │ │ 5 │ │ │
│ └─┬─┘ └─┬───┘ │ │
└───┘ └─────┬────┘ │
▲ │ ▼
│ │ ┌─┬─┐
│ └──► │7│
│ └─┴─┘

│ Print maleAbove75Count │
│ (Total Male students │
│ above 75%) │


This flowchart should help you visualize the steps and logic required to solve the problem and find the names of male students who scored above 75% along with their count.