you hear a thunder 4 seconds after you see the lightning. how far away is the storm?



answer: about 4/5 mile. Sound travels about 1 mile per five that out exactly.

To calculate the distance to the storm, we need to determine the time it takes for sound to travel from the lightning to your location. Sound travels at a speed of approximately 343 meters per second (or 1,125 feet per second) in dry air at 20 degrees Celsius (68 degrees Fahrenheit).

Given that you hear the thunder 4 seconds after seeing the lightning, we can multiply the time delay by the speed of sound to find the distance:

Distance = Speed of sound x Time delay

Distance = 343 m/s x 4 s

Distance = 1372 meters

Therefore, the storm is approximately 1372 meters away from your location.

To determine how far away the storm is based on the time delay between lightning and thunder, you can use the speed of sound. Sound travels at a constant speed of approximately 343 meters per second (or 1,125 feet per second) at normal atmospheric conditions.

Given that you heard the thunder 4 seconds after seeing the lightning, we can calculate the distance using the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

Distance = 343 m/s × 4 s = 1,372 meters

Thus, the storm is approximately 1,372 meters away from your location.