In 1998, the Disney Corporation urged passage of a law that would extend the right of artists or writers to protect their work. Disney was successful, and Congress agreed that the Mickey Mouse brand, for example, would be protected. Why was Disney able to have this sort of influence on the legislative process?

Executive privilege gave Disney extra influence on the president and Congress members

Disney is a major media corporation that has control within Congress

Because the Mickey Mouse brand is constitutionally protected under judicial review

Because Disney supporters successfully influenced Congress through lobbying

Disney is a major media corporation that has control within Congress

You are the one grey sprinkle on a rainbow cake.


In 1998, the Disney Corporation urged passage of a law that would extend the right of artists or writers to protect their work. Disney was successful, and Congress agreed that the Mickey Mouse brand, for example, would be protected. Why was Disney able to have this sort of influence on the legislative process?


Disney was able to have significant influence on the legislative process for several reasons. One of the main reasons is that Disney is a major media corporation with considerable financial resources and influence. This allows them to have access to lawmakers and decision-makers, as well as the ability to hire lobbyists and experts in the field to advocate for their interests.

Lobbying is an important part of the political process, where organizations and corporations attempt to influence lawmakers and policy decisions. Disney, being a powerful entity, has the ability to dedicate resources to lobbying efforts, which can include hiring lobbyists to build relationships with members of Congress, organizing grassroots campaigns, and providing campaign contributions to political candidates who support their positions. These tactics can often sway the decision-making process in favor of the corporation.

Furthermore, Disney's success in advocating for the extension of copyright protection for their works can also be attributed to the popularity and recognition of their brand. The Mickey Mouse brand, for example, is widely recognized and valued, not only by Disney but also by the general public. This recognition carries weight when it comes to influencing public opinion and gaining support from lawmakers who may want to align themselves with a popular brand or show support for an industry that contributes to the economy.

It is important to note that the level of influence Disney has on the legislative process does not imply that they have executive privilege or constitutional protection for their brand. Their influence stems from their economic power, lobbying efforts, and the popularity of their brand.

And your answer is? What have you learned from your reading or in class?

the awnser is Disney is a major media corporation that has control within Congress

The answer is Disney is a major media corporation that has control within congress.