Solve y= 2x+ 3 and y= 4x+3

I came up with the answers (0,3) using both substitution and elimination methods. What is the "independent" variable and "dependent" variable? What would be a "real world situation" including independent and independent variables? I'm lost...

Usually the dependent variable is on the left side. Its valye depends on the expression on the right side. The equation tells how to calculate the result of assigning a value to x.

To solve the system of equations y = 2x + 3 and y = 4x + 3, there are indeed multiple methods you can use, such as substitution and elimination. It's great that you obtained the solution (0, 3).

In this context, the independent variable is typically represented by x, and the dependent variable is represented by y. The independent variable is often referred to as the input, while the dependent variable is the output that depends on the input.

To better understand the concept of independent and dependent variables, let's consider a real-world situation. Suppose you are running a lemonade stand. The number of cups of lemonade you sell (y) depends on the temperature (x). In this scenario, temperature would be the independent variable, as you have control over it. The number of cups sold would be the dependent variable, as it depends on the temperature.

So, in this case, x (temperature) would be the independent variable, and y (number of cups sold) would be the dependent variable.

Remember, the concept of independent and dependent variables is not limited to only linear equations; it can be applied to many different scenarios in various fields, such as science, economics, and social studies.