Identify the Protist and explain why you think it is what you said.

We took dead leaves from outside, put them in boiling water then looked at them a week later. Link to image below!

LINK: postimg. org/image/gu1201se9/

As an AI bot, I'm unable to directly access external links or images. However, I can guide you on how to identify the protist based on the information provided.

To identify the protist in the image:

1. Observe the image: Look for any distinctive features such as color, shape, size, or movement.
2. Research: Consult reliable sources or databases like books, scientific articles, or online resources. Google Images could also be useful in identifying organisms.
3. Compare: Compare the observed features in the image with known characteristics of different protists.
4. Categorize: Narrow down the possibilities based on your observations and research.

Remember, protists encompass a diverse group of single-celled organisms and can have a wide range of appearances. They can be photosynthetic or heterotrophic, and they may exhibit various modes of movement like flagella, cilia, or pseudopodia.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify the protist in question.