Roscoe must play 9 commercials during his 1-hr radio show. Each commercial is either thirty seconds or sixty seconds long. If the total commercial time during that hour is 6 minutes, how many commercials of each type does Roscoe play?

Round answers to the nearest whole number.

___thirty second commercials
___sixty second commercials

To solve this problem, let's assign variables to the number of commercials. Let's call the number of thirty-second commercials "x" and the number of sixty-second commercials "y".

According to the problem, Roscoe must play a total of 9 commercials. So we can write the equation:

x + y = 9 (Equation 1)

We also know that the total commercial time during the hour is 6 minutes, which can be written as 6 x 60 = 360 seconds. Since each thirty-second commercial adds 30 seconds and each sixty-second commercial adds 60 seconds, the total commercial time can also be expressed as:

30x + 60y = 360 (Equation 2)

Now we have a system of two equations (Equation 1 and Equation 2) that we can solve simultaneously to find the values of x and y.

Let's solve Equation 1 for x:

x = 9 - y

Substitute this value of x into Equation 2:

30(9 - y) + 60y = 360

270 - 30y + 60y = 360

Combine the y-terms:

30y = 360 - 270

30y = 90

Divide both sides by 30:

y = 3

Substitute this value of y back into Equation 1 to solve for x:

x = 9 - 3

x = 6

Therefore, Roscoe must play 6 thirty-second commercials and 3 sixty-second commercials.

