paying a fixed monthly fee of $15.00 up yo 240 min then .08 per min if i use less than 240 min still paying 15.00 per mo. based on 100 min 240 min 540 min

To calculate the total cost for different monthly usage based on the given plan, we need to consider the fixed monthly fee and the per-minute charge.

According to the plan, if you use less than or equal to 240 minutes, regardless of the actual usage, you will be charged a fixed fee of $15.00 per month.

Case 1: Usage of 100 minutes (less than 240 minutes)
In this case, since the usage is less than 240 minutes, you will be charged the fixed monthly fee of $15.00.

Total cost for 100 minutes = $15.00

Case 2: Usage of 240 minutes
For this case, the usage exactly matches the threshold of 240 minutes. Hence, you will be charged the fixed monthly fee of $15.00.

Total cost for 240 minutes = $15.00

Case 3: Usage of 540 minutes (more than 240 minutes)
In this case, the usage exceeds the threshold of 240 minutes. Therefore, you will be charged the fixed monthly fee of $15.00 plus a per-minute charge for the additional minutes.

Additional minutes = 540 minutes - 240 minutes = 300 minutes

Cost for additional minutes = 0.08 * 300 = $24.00

Total cost for 540 minutes = Fixed monthly fee + Per-minute charge
= $15.00 + $24.00
= $39.00

To summarize:
- For 100 minutes: $15.00
- For 240 minutes: $15.00
- For 540 minutes: $39.00

Please note that any additional charges, such as taxes or fees, are not considered in this calculation.