Describe Sam´s location relative to the theater.

Ordered pairs:Sam (4,2),Theater:(-3,5)

I mean theater is (-3,5)

It is 4 km north, 7 km west

It is 3kg North and 7kg west .😀

To determine the relative location of Sam relative to the theater, we can use the concept of ordered pairs. In this case, Sam's location is given as (4,2), and the theater's location is given as (-3,5).

When working with ordered pairs, the first number represents the x-coordinate, and the second number represents the y-coordinate.

So, in this case, Sam's x-coordinate is 4, and the theater's x-coordinate is -3. Since -3 is less than 4, we can say that Sam is to the right of the theater.

Similarly, Sam's y-coordinate is 2, and the theater's y-coordinate is 5. Since 5 is greater than 2, we can say that Sam is below the theater.

Combining these two conclusions, we can say that Sam is located to the right and below the theater.

distance away = √(7^2 + 3^2) = ...

tanØ= 7/-5 = -1 , Ø = 135°

in a direction of N 45° W

It is me again

sam is (4,2)and theater (-5,5)