A picture frame measures 5inches wide and 7 inches long what is the perimeter of the frame

P = 2L + 2W

To find the perimeter of a picture frame, you need to add up the lengths of all four sides. In this case, we have a frame that measures 5 inches wide and 7 inches long.

Since the width goes all the way around the frame, we need to double it to account for both sides. So, the width contributes 5 inches + 5 inches = 10 inches to the perimeter.

Similarly, the length goes all the way around the frame, so we double it as well. Thus, the length contributes 7 inches + 7 inches = 14 inches to the perimeter.

Finally, we add the contributions from the width and length together: 10 inches + 14 inches = 24 inches.

Therefore, the perimeter of the picture frame is 24 inches.