Ryan has 3/4 cup of pudding. How many 1/6 cup servings of pudding can ryan make

(3/4) / (1/6)

(3/4) * 6 = 18/4 = 4 1/2 servings

4 1/2

4 1/2

To find the number of 1/6 cup servings of pudding that Ryan can make using his 3/4 cup of pudding, we need to divide the total amount of pudding by the size of each individual serving.

To do this, we divide 3/4 by 1/6. To divide fractions, we need to multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal of the second fraction.

Reciprocal of 1/6 = 6/1

Multiplying 3/4 by 6/1:

(3/4) * (6/1) = (3 * 6) / (4 * 1) = 18/4

Now, we simplify the fraction 18/4. Since both the numerator and denominator are divisible by 2, we can divide them both by 2, which gives us:

18/4 = (9 * 2) / (2 * 2) = 9/1 = 9

Therefore, Ryan can make 9 servings of 1/6 cup pudding with his 3/4 cup of pudding.