What is the probability of getting an even number when rolling a six-sided number cube?


You place the letters for the word smart in a bag. What is the probability of choosing a letter that is NOT a vowel? (remember vowels A, E, I, O, and U.)


You have a bag with 20 marbles: 2 yellow, 5 green, 12 red, and 1 blue. Which of the following statements are true? Select all that apply. (there is 3 right answers to this)

The probability of choosing a yellow, green, red, or blue marble is 1.
The probability of choosing a yellow marble is less than the probability of choosing a blue marble.
The probability of choosing a green marble is 0.25. **
The probability of choosing a black marble is zero.

If P (blue) is 0.3, what is P (not blue)?
0.7 **

Which event is considered neither likely nor unlikely?

Rolling a number greater than 1 on a six-sided number cube.
Rolling a 1 on a six-sided number cube.
Getting heads when flipping a coin.**
Choosing an X, Y, or Z from a bag containing all the letters of the alphabet.


1. a
2. c
3. (a,c,d)
4. d
5. c

you’re welcome shishters 💋

Teachers call it cheating but we call it teamwork, Correct ty!

Thanks Cherry! those are correct for the probability test for connexus


Thank you so much these answers are 100% correct!!



Yes, this is teamwork! Thank you Cherry, you're correct!

Cherry is correct

🍒 is correct

some please check my answers.

#1 ok

#2 nope. You picked the chance of getting a vowel, but that's not what they asked.
#3 ok
#4 ok
#5 ok