jesse drive 6 3/8 miles in a golf cart during a round of golf. Payton drives 7 3/4 miles . how much father dose payton drives

6 3\8 subtract by 7 3\4 equals to 1 3\8

To find out how much farther Payton drives, you need to subtract the distance Jesse drives from the distance Payton drives.

First, let's convert the distances to a common denominator for easier comparison.

Jesse drives 6 3/8 miles. We can express this as an improper fraction: 6 + 3/8 = 6 + (3/8) = (8*6 + 3)/8 = 48/8 + 3/8 = 51/8 miles.

Payton drives 7 3/4 miles. Converting this to an improper fraction: 7 + 3/4 = 7 + (3/4) = (4*7 + 3)/4 = 28/4 + 3/4 = 31/4 miles.

Now, subtract the distance Jesse drives (51/8 miles) from the distance Payton drives (31/4 miles):

(31/4) - (51/8) = [(31*8) - (51*4)] / (4*8) = (248 - 204) / 32 = 44/32 = 11/8 miles.

Therefore, Payton drives 11/8 miles further than Jesse.

7.75 - 6.375 = ?

i don't under stand

6 3\8 subtract by 7 3\4 equals to 1 3\8