english is the languege of opportunity.why brothers to teach indigenous langueges?


While English is indeed considered the language of opportunity on a global scale, there are several reasons why it is important to also teach and preserve indigenous languages:

1. Cultural Preservation: Indigenous languages are crucial for preserving the rich cultural heritage of indigenous communities. Language is not just a means of communication but also a carrier of cultural knowledge, traditions, and values. By teaching indigenous languages, we can ensure the preservation of cultural identity and prevent the loss of important cultural elements.

2. Empowerment and Self-Expression: Language is closely tied to one's sense of identity and self-expression. By learning and using their indigenous languages, individuals from indigenous communities can express themselves fully and develop a stronger connection to their heritage. This fosters a sense of empowerment and increases the visibility of indigenous cultures.

3. Educational Benefits: Research has shown that learning multiple languages has cognitive and educational benefits. By teaching indigenous languages alongside dominant languages such as English, we provide students with a well-rounded education that enhances their linguistic abilities, cognitive skills, and academic achievements.

4. Community Cohesion: Language plays a crucial role in building community cohesion and strengthening social bonds. By teaching indigenous languages within indigenous communities, we promote inclusivity, respect, and the sense of belonging. This helps foster community pride and unity.

While acknowledging the importance of English as a language of opportunity, it is essential to recognize and value the diversity of languages and cultures that exist within a society. By promoting and teaching indigenous languages, we can create a more inclusive and culturally diverse society that appreciates and celebrates its linguistic heritage.