Jocelyn has read 156 pages of a book. This is 4/5 of the entire book. How many pages does the book have?

fudge tis

To find the total number of pages in the book, we can set up a proportion. Let's represent the total number of pages in the book as "x".

We know that Jocelyn has read 156 pages, which is 4/5 of the entire book. Therefore, we can write the following proportion:

156/x = 4/5

To solve for "x", we can cross-multiply and then solve for "x":

5 * 156 = 4 * x
780 = 4x

Divide both sides of the equation by 4 to isolate "x":

780/4 = x
x = 195

Therefore, the book has 195 pages.

0.8x = 156