How can you find the distance of each number from the mean?


Im not sure so please help.

No the mean is 47

To find the distance of each number from the mean, you need to follow these steps:

1. Calculate the mean: Add up all the numbers and divide the sum by the total number of values. In this case, there are 7 numbers, so you would sum them up and divide by 7.

Mean = (50 + 56 + 52 + 46 + 48 + 42 + 38) / 7 = 332 / 7 = 47.43 (rounded to two decimal places)

2. Subtract the mean from each number: Take each number in the given set and subtract the mean you calculated in step 1. This will give you the distance of each number from the mean.

For example:

50 - 47.43 = 2.57
56 - 47.43 = 8.57
52 - 47.43 = 4.57
46 - 47.43 = -1.43 (negative since it is below the mean)
48 - 47.43 = 0.57
42 - 47.43 = -5.43 (negative since it is below the mean)
38 - 47.43 = -9.43 (negative since it is below the mean)

So, the distances of each number from the mean are:
2.57, 8.57, 4.57, -1.43, 0.57, -5.43, -9.43

First, find the mean.

the mean is 47.42