1. Write the number of permutations in factorial form. Then simplify. How many different ways can you and six of your friends sit in your assigned seats in math class?

A.6!; 120
B.6!; 720
C.7!; 2,520 ••
D.7!; 5,040

Correct me

SO D is the answer

It's 7! 5,040

So it's D ?

Yes its D 🙄😂🤣

Nope. It is 7!, but that's not 2520

Not my answer choices

So whats the answer

can you show us how you got it I'm trying to do revisions

Certainly! The number of permutations can be calculated using the formula n!, where n represents the number of objects being permuted.

In this case, there are 7 people (you and your 6 friends) who need to be seated in assigned seats, so the number of permutations can be calculated as follows:

7! = 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1
= 5,040

Therefore, the correct answer is D.

how many different ways can the students at a school select the president vise president and secretary from a group of 5 people