find the area of prism 5 millimeters 6 meters 13 meters not drama scale

A. 48 meters squared
B. 346 meters squared
C. 780 meters squared
D. 195 meters squared

drama scale? You mean drawn to scale?

2(.005*6 + .005*13 + 6 * 13) = 156.19 m^2

I suspect a typo.

To find the area of a prism, you need to calculate the sum of the areas of all its faces. A prism consists of two identical bases and rectangular or square lateral faces connecting the corresponding vertices of these bases.

In this case, the prism has two identical bases, which are rectangles. The dimensions of the given prism are 5 millimeters, 6 meters, and 13 meters.

To find the area of the bases, you need to multiply the dimensions of the rectangle. The area of a rectangle is given by the formula: area = length × width. In this case, the base dimensions are 6 meters and 13 meters, so the area of each base is 6 meters × 13 meters = 78 square meters.

Next, you need to calculate the total area of the lateral faces. In this prism, there are four lateral faces, and each one is a rectangle.

The dimensions of the lateral faces are 5 millimeters, 6 meters, and 13 meters. To find the area of each face, you again multiply the length by the width. Therefore, the area of each lateral face is 6 meters × 13 meters = 78 square meters.

Finally, you need to calculate the total surface area of the prism, which is the sum of the areas of the bases and the lateral faces.

Total surface area = 2 × area of bases + 4 × area of lateral faces
Total surface area = 2 × 78 square meters + 4 × 78 square meters
Total surface area = 156 square meters + 312 square meters
Total surface area = 468 square meters

Therefore, the total surface area of the prism is 468 square meters.

None of the answer choices provided matches the correct value, so none of the provided options (A, B, C, or D) is correct for this particular prism.