In square ABCD, E is the midpoint of

Iine BC, and F is the midpoint of line CD. Let G be the intersection of line AE and line BF. Prove that DG = AB

draw it

I drew it.. Can't post it on jiskha

To prove that DG = AB, we need to establish some relationships between the given points.

Let's start by drawing a diagram:

A ________ B
| |
| |
| G |
| / |
| / |

We are given that E is the midpoint of line BC, so we can write EB = EC. Similarly, we are given that F is the midpoint of line CD, so we can write FD = FC.

Now, let's consider triangles AEB and BGF. Since E is the midpoint of line BC, we can conclude that AE is half of AB. Similarly, since F is the midpoint of line CD, we can conclude that BF is half of BC.

Now, let's look at triangle BCG. We know that G lies on both lines AE and BF. Thus, we can conclude that G lies on line BF, which implies that BG = GF.

Now, let's consider triangles BGF and BDC. We have established that BF = FC, and we know that BG = GF. Therefore, we can conclude that triangle BGF is congruent to triangle FDC by the Side-Angle-Side (SAS) congruence criterion.

Now, since triangle BGF is congruent to triangle FDC, we have GB = FD. But FD = FC, so GB = FC.

Finally, let's consider triangles ABC and GDC. We know that AE is half of AB, and BG = FC. Therefore, we can conclude that triangle ABC is congruent to triangle GDC by the Side-Side-Side (SSS) congruence criterion.

Since triangle ABC is congruent to triangle GDC, we can conclude that DG = AB.