is this correct on string of nouns you need and before the last one.

On adjectives you do not?

These sentences below are incorrect:

incorrect Helen is bright, friendly, and confident. ( take out and)

We have many dogs, cats, lions. (put in and)


Writeacher is much more experienced than I am in many of these grammatical rules.

Series of nouns
See #1 for series of nouns.
See #5 for compound adjectives.

HOWEVER, when the compound adjectives are at the end of the sentence, use a conjunction.

Yes, your understanding is correct. When writing a list of nouns, it is common to use the word "and" before the last noun to separate it from the rest. This is known as the Oxford comma or serial comma.

For example:
- "I have a dog, a cat, and a bird."
- "She is a talented painter, musician, and dancer."

On the other hand, when listing adjectives, it is not necessary to use the word "and" before the last adjective. Adjectives in a series can be separated by commas without using the conjunction "and."

For example:
- "He is tall, handsome, and intelligent."
- "The cake was moist, delicious, and flavorful."

In the sentences you provided, the correction would be as follows:

Incorrect: Helen is bright, friendly, and confident. (Take out "and")
Corrected: Helen is bright, friendly and confident.

Incorrect: We have many dogs, cats, lions. (Put in "and")
Corrected: We have many dogs, cats, and lions.