Show calculations to support your answer V=ðr^2h

cylinder h=12.4cm r=6.2cm

show work please

o man mrs sur thats some grear incuragment

To calculate the volume of a cylinder using the formula V = πr^2h, you need to substitute the given values of h and r into the equation and follow the order of operations (BODMAS) to solve for V.

h = 12.4 cm (height)
r = 6.2 cm (radius)

1. Begin by substituting the values of h and r into the formula: V = πr^2h.
V = π * (6.2 cm)^2 * 12.4 cm

2. Evaluate the expression inside the parentheses first:
V = π * 38.44 cm^2 * 12.4 cm

3. Multiply the second and third terms together:
V = π * 476.656 cm^3

4. Finally, multiply π (approximately 3.14159) by the result from step 3 to obtain the volume:
V ≈ 1497.556 cm^3

Therefore, the volume of the cylinder is approximately 1497.556 cm^3.

I'm surprised you can't plug in the numbers.

V = 3.14 * 6.2^2 * 12.4

V = _______ cubic centimeters